
From The Strategies Are Foreign, but the Corruption Is American | Foreign Affairs

Strategic corruption, in other words, is hardly new. Perhaps what is new is that it is now being used so effectively against some of its original authors. ... Corruption is a constant in complex, organized societies. But outbreaks of networked, systemic, transnational corruption come in waves. The last time the world saw one as dangerous as today’s was in the period between approximately 1870 and 1935—the Gilded Age and its aftermath, broadly speaking. During that time, rich and powerful countries deployed strategic corruption against weaker, poorer ones, even as widespread corruption took hold at home. Graft and bribery scandals plagued wealthy industrialized countries, including the United States, as interwoven networks of business magnates and public officials twisted political and economic systems to serve their own aims. Among the results were child labor and inhumane working conditions in mines, factories, and sweatshops; the relegation of hundreds of thousands of small farmers to peonage; the genocide of Native Americans; the near extinction of wolves and buffalo; and what amounted to the reenslavement of many Black Americans. ... But the disease has lodged itself more deeply in the body politic than this picture suggests. It is not just consultants, bankers, lawyers, real estate agents, and other service providers who are to blame. Rather, top corporate executives allied with or serving as top government officials have helped change rules, enforcement practices, and personnel in an effort to channel wealth into their own coffers and remove obstacles to its continuing flow. Leading Americans seeking to enrich themselves pushed to legalize the kinds of shell companies, “dark money” campaign contributions, and self-dealing contracts that foreign kleptocrats have exploited.

Corruption requires participation and a system in which it can grow and thrive. Any systems that allows large scale ownership will have that possibility. That requires a diligence to make the system as transparent as possible to expose and block off those avenues.

The article quoted above is a response to How States Weaponize Graft.

#democracy #systems #capitalism


From Putting America’s Civic Infrastructure on the Biden-Harris Agenda | RAND

America’s civic infrastructure—the practices and policies that enable a nation to solve its communal problems—has been allowed to crumble.

Well then.



From The Biden Era Begins | The New Yorker

There has never been a more dangerous speech by an American President, and it remained to be seen if his party’s leadership would, at last, abandon him.

Is he really the most dangerous or just the most obvious? Inviting people into the undemocratic project we generally ignore.

#democracy #election2020


From ‘Rainbow wave’ of LGBTQ candidates run and win in 2020 election

More LGBTQ candidates ran for office in the United States in 2020 than ever before – at least 1,006. That’s a 41% increase over the 2018 midterms, according to the LGBTQ Victory Fund.

No matter the presenting outcome, we need this.

#democracy #lgbtq #election2020


From One Foot Tsunami: We Can Do Hard Things

Humanity can do amazing things, and it’s time for Americans to remember that.




From Domestic Terrorism and the U.S. Elections | RAND

A tranquil election is of course unlikely. There have been continuous nationwide protests over racism and police conduct since May. While most have been peaceful, there have been some violent confrontations, assaults on federal property, and looting. Extremists at both ends of the political spectrum have sought to provoke violence. Exhausted, apprehensive, and angry police have on occasion overreacted. It is hard to imagine that this turmoil will suddenly end on Election Day.

The will be protests after Election Day. The question is: how will they change us?

#democracy #election2020 #USA #americasstudies


From Political scientist dismantles the ‘folk theory of democracy’: Trump revealed that ‘truth and reason’ don’t matter in politics –

With either outcome [to the upcoming U.S. presenting election], dangerous myths about American political culture will remain unchallenged, left as assumed truths and conventional wisdom created by throwing uncomfortable facts down the memory hole.

Should Biden win, it is imperative that we use the four-year-window his election provides as an opportunity to lock in systemic change.

#democracy #election2020 #change


From Durbin on Barrett confirmation: “We can’t stop the outcome”

“We can slow it down, perhaps a matter of hours, maybe days at the most, but we can't stop the outcome. What we should do is to address this now respectfully,” Senate Minority Whip Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) said.

Why? Why must this happen respectfully? If they can't stop it, why not disrupt? Make a statement and leave the committee? Leave the senate and stand outside? Ask their colleagues in Congress to protest?

#democracy #protest


From The Republican Conspiratorial Convention | The New Yorker

Tiffany Trump is not the most prominent or politically adept of the President’s children, but her speech at the Republican National Convention last week served as a succinct summation of the event’s key messages. Donald Trump is a giant among Presidents, protecting the country and keeping his promises. His reëlection is a contest between freedom and oppression. Yet he’s subject to hatred, Tiffany said, because so many people have been “manipulated and visibly coerced” by the media and tech companies that present a “biased and fabricated” version of reality. “Ask yourselves, why are we prevented from seeing certain information?” she urged viewers. The answer is “control.”

She was far from the only speaker to have discerned a connection between attempts to deceive the American people and efforts to subdue them. On Thursday night, when her father accepted his party’s nomination, he did the same, saying, “They are coming after me, because I am fighting for you!” Kimberly Guilfoyle, a former Fox News journalist who is Donald Trump, Jr.,’s partner, loudly warned about “cosmopolitan élites” who “want to control what you see and think and believe so that they can control how you live.” Richard Grenell, the former acting director of National Intelligence, said that Trump’s opponents “never want the American people to know who’s actually calling the shots.”

I don’t think it’s the lies we have to fight against, rather it’s the narrative that gives people an excuse to vote in a way that protects their interests (or what they see as their interests) at the expense of democracy, fairness, and inclusion.

I believe this means we have to provide a counter narrative that is equally attractive and let’s people change, save face, and join together. Not be in opposition.

#democracy #misinformation #disinformation #counternarratives


From There's a Brutal Crackdown Underway in Belarus. It Should Be a Wake-up Call for America.

But what’s happening in tiny little Belarus should be a lesson for us all. Lukashenko is known as the “last dictator of Europe,” but he didn’t start out that way. When he was first elected in 1994, he was the change candidate, the one offering to shake things up. He has been in power ever since, winning rigged election after rigged election. Many of the people who are now protesting his rule, the ones suffering the most horrible consequences for their protest, had not even been born when Lukashenko first took office. They have never had any real experience of democracy, but they are willing to risk their lives and limbs for the idea of a free election—something they had never once participated in. But it isn’t just idealistic young people flooding the streets. Factory workers all over the country walked out of their jobs to demand free and fair elections, risking their livelihood for a concept that is as basic as it is vague, especially in comparison with feeding your family. And the tales of police sadism haven’t had the effect that the regime may have intended: soldiers and police officers are resigning because they don’t want to take part in brutalizing their fellow citizens.

